An interview with Simon Sinek

1 Feb

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When starting to do anything, there some how always seems to be that inevitable possibility, looming in the shadows of our minds, the realizations, from the outset of our business venture, that we could probably be already on the path of failure or success.

What am I not saying?

I am not saying based upon any type statical outset, that we are destined for any type of failure or success.

On the contrary.

You  already know that statistics are based on probability theories of quantitative data collections over time.

What I am saying is, YOU are the determining factor of your destiny.

(I’m sure you’ve heard that one before)

Having the ability to defy the very odds that seems to be stacked against you.

(They are only illusions of your creative thinking.The power to create what doesn’t exist, at least in physical reality)

Failure is not something that has to be experienced in a bad way.

What do I mean by that?

Am I beginning to speak words of contradictions?

Let me clarify.

Failure has been given a negative connotation of being final.

Meaning in our own minds, that when we experience it, we must STOP!

But who wrote the book that says when you fail it is the end.

That is obviously not true…


Because failure is not and does not necessarily have to be a bad thing.

Depending on how you look at it.

“IF” you are  learning from failure, you will also come to realize that you cannot stay down, give in or give up.

When you have that unquenchable fire of desire burning deep within your very existence.

You have to come back.

This is your resurrection that gets you back on your feet,

To begin again, in the spirit of whatever it takes.

In life YOU have no real limitations, except for the ones YOU create for and within yourself.

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