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Type 2 Diabetes

21 May

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world; the American Diabetes Association reports that 1.7 million new diagnoses are made each year.

diabetes type 2

After her own diagnosis, Gretchen Becker became a “patient-expert,” educating herself on every aspect of type 2 diabetes and eventually compiling everything she had learned into this step-by-step guidebook for others. Now in its third edition, The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes takes you through everything you need to know and do in your first year with diabetes. In clear and accessible language, Becker covers a wide range of practical, medical,and lifestyle issues, from coming to terms with your diagnosis to diet and exercise, testing routines, insurance issues, and the most up-to-date information on new medications and supplements.

Type 2 Diabetes-How To Cure Type 2 Diabetes

9 May

If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes…

you’ll be concerned with  one simple question:

And that is…

What do I eat now?

what do I eat now

Generally speaking,

when a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,

doctors typically tell their patients to start eating healthy.

But what does that mean?